Thursday 11 December 2008


I haven't written a blog in ages, as I was reminded from Gabi.
Lying here with our beautiful mistakes
mistake that out only ours to make
no regrets, just a cigarette,
and i feel so free.

I Well can't wait until Crimbo!
no, wait thats a lie, I cannot wait until ya get that christmassy feeling.
and I can't wait until my birthday.
and its mr brothers birthday tomorow, and I haven't got him anything.
and i wanted to but I forgot yeah.
so now I feel proper bad because my mom + dad probably won't get him anything good and its his 16th man.
but the good news is that after his little fiasco is over we can put the xmas decorations up : ]
if you google old postsecrets
you get this well good site with all these old postsecrets from yonks ago check it out man.
and have a go at some person called spiritwriter who comments on every one and makes youw ant to kill them : ]
and also I have citezenship to do that was due in a month ago so toodles uglies.ox
(only JKing wiv yas, beauties)

Tuesday 2 December 2008

CC crew + Co

I have well good friends, seriously.

Monday 1 December 2008

well well well,
look whose in a good mood for once.
noooo, yeahh, noo could it be ? yeahh thats right ME!
I am getting a new room, yeah thats right dick'eds, a NEW room.
we are dividing my little brothers room into two and of the newly created double fiasco of roomage I am occupying one. gunst be ace mate.

Also I am going to inti-mate gig on the 19th and seeing Underground Heroes again, yepp again because I saw them on Friday.

omg Emilie is that you with Rob from underground heroes ?
ummm, oh YEAH IT IS ahha, I hate people who say things like that, sorry.

I met Rob from The Holloways aswell, he got locke dout ya see and I had to let him in then he signed a poster of Sally Morgan psycic to the stars he thought it was my mom ya see.

A good night basically, but WAIT someone is missing :

Yes that is right Luciepoo, who I am writing this blog for coz I well love her.
she is proper sterling and a complete nutter, I said rthat in the Voice of (L)Woody (L) corr mate he is nearly as fit as Lucie, yeah thats right Luce I'm talking' bout choo baby ; ] I said that in the voice of a black pimp.
luv ya all xoxo

Wednesday 26 November 2008


I really really really desperately want to go to the holloways, but the thing is I have NO money!!
I would exchange everything! well not everything but umm, well LOADS.
but it doesn't work like that.
I am way over the deadline for
the citezenship coursework but the thing is I physically cannot do it because i have no idea what they are going on about in the response form. I actually want to go to school tomorow, but I can't because of FUCKING CITEZENSHIP!!
I have been fine all day and all of a sudden I hace started feeling proper ill again!
tbh, kadh ;lashf' odiasyioh pivdasopjf ljsclxjsc khzxpcjasd uf osajf oidsgfo sd
Everybodys going to be away for my birthday, I can just tell.

I hate everything, fuck off.


Monday 24 November 2008

This is england

well, I know I talk about it non stop.
and I know that no one thinks that it is as great as I do.
but everyone can shut up because This is England is the best film that has ever been made.
Thomas Turgoose is the most brilliant young actor, he just moves your heart in the whole film.

I am getting over emotional just thinking about, I swear this film turns me into and over hormonal pregnant woman.
and tbh I am IN LOVE WITH woody.
The story line is magical, and lkfdh ;ilshaf 'a;sdoh flks
It literally spazzes me out like a madman.
The soundtrack is immense.
and basically the film is just one great big ball of pleasure.
Shane Meadows is the most amazing person I have ever ever heard of.
A room for Romeo Brass is also good.
and I want to see Dead Mans Shoes.
no way he could ever direct a film as good as This is England though.
corrrrrrrr blimey.

luuuurrrvvveeee it. (L)


Fuck you, fuck you very much.
You make me fucking sick to my stomach.
I hate you so much right now

Sunday 23 November 2008

new years eve.

I have finally figured out what to do for my birthday !
We will, tobogan by day.
party by night.
so basically da
CC crew & co will go toboganing on the day 14 years on from when I plopped out my mom.
and then we will go to some new years party of someones somewhere.
sounds good to me. x